Trans and Gender Non-Conforming Students
Trans is an umbrella term often used for anyone whose identity does not conform to historical gender nomenclature. The term includes, but is not limited to, the following identities: transgender, trans man, trans woman, nonbinary, genderqueer and gender non-conforming. We use the term trans to be as inclusive as we can and avoid omitting any identities that seek to address everyone’s experiences.
In that light, we strive to include all trans identities in the resources we offer. Many of our resources will relate most directly to trans individuals who are in the process of transitioning legally and physically. If you identify as a different part of the trans community, but are unable to find applicable resources on our website, please contact us at We will do our best to answer any questions you may have and include these answers in this growing resource page.
We are continuously working on establishing processes and determining our resource capacities within current institutional systems and will make adjustments accordingly. We will include this information below as it becomes available. If you have a question that is not currently on the site, please contact us at lgbt@emory.edufor support and information.
Please note: In order to use the bathrooms in the residence halls (with the exception of Dobbs Hall), student-residents will need their prox card to enter the buildings.
If you know of a bathroom that is not listed here, please fill out a form to let us know.
Gender Neutral Bathroom at Emory
The Gender Affirming Items Initiative aims to supply Emory students facing financial barriers with necessary gender-affirming clothing, such as binders and tucking underwear, at no cost. Items will be purchased from TomBoyX and GC2B and can be shipped discretely. Supplies are limited.
For more information and to sign up visit
Alumni and other non-students also play a critical role in the success of this program! Your donation to this fund directly impacts students' lives; a donation of as little as $25 can provide a student with a necessary gender-affirming item. If you are someone who is interested in supporting this program, please visit HERE.
For questions don't hesitate to get in touch with our director, Danielle Bruce-Steele at
"We're living in a dynamic moment across the South. Trans and Gender Non-Conforming folks are stepping up and speaking out in incredible ways in the Southern equality movement. At the same time, we're seeing a new wave of legislation, litigation, and rhetoric that targets transgender individuals for simply being for who they are and living authentic lives.” - Campaign for Southern Equality
In the pages of this edition of Trans in the South, you’ll find lists of trans-friendly service providers – ranging from doctors to attorneys to counselors – across the South as well as resources to assist with funding medical transition. This information has been collected and vetted by Ivy Gibson-Hill, Emory’s LGBT Rights Toolkit coordinator, who said, “We hope this resource guide helps people access the services they need to survive and to thrive."
Emory Recreation & Wellness recognizes and celebrates the transgender student population and encourages students to participate in intramural and club sports based on their gender identity.
Emory Intramural & Club Sports expects participation to be based on one’s self-identified gender and consistent with a player’s gender identity.
- A participant’s gender identity will be applied when gender-specific rules or player ratio requirements apply for co-recreational divisions.
- Transgender individuals may play on the team that best matches their gender identity.
- Intramural & Club Sports staff will verify gender based on the participant’s self-identification and expressed gender identity, not on the sex indicated in official school records.
- Emory Intramural & Club Sports understands that the recognition of one’s gender identity may not happen in an instant; it can be a complex process that occurs over an extended period of time. Transgender participants are encouraged to communicate their gender identity with Intramural & Club Sports staff to ensure proper gender designation.
- A player who is uncomfortable working with Intramural & Club Sports staff can instead contact the Office of LGBT Life to declare their status. Intramural & Club Sports and the Office of LGBT Life staff will work together to ensure inclusivity for all participants.
Healthcare Resources
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Some trans and non-binary people use hormones as a part of their transition. It is important to be monitored by a healthcare provider to ensure your hormone intake is safe for you.
Hormones need time to work and should be taken exactly as prescribed for you — taking more does not achieve faster results and can be dangerous. Physical changes with hormone therapy might take several years to be fully realized, and many of these changes are not reversible.
Considering hormone replacement therapy?
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) consultations are provided by SHS physicians. Appointments are scheduled by calling (404) 727-7551 (press 1) during office hours, or you can schedule your own appointments through the online appointment system. Learn more about treatment at Emory through Student Health Services.
Once you start hormones, you will follow up with your healthcare provider every three months for the first year. After that, you will check in less frequently.
Many, but not all, hormone therapies are injectable. Always use a sterile needle when injecting hormones. Sterile needles can be obtained from pharmacies with a prescription. Buying hormones that have not been prescribed for you can be harmful.
Additional Information about Hormone Therapy
The following infographics walk you through the process of requesting gender affirming care appointments with Emory Counseling and Psychological Services and Emory Student Health Services. Click on the images to enlarge.
The Emory University Student Health Insurance Plan (EUSHIP) offers comprehensive coverage for transgender care and treatment.
Services include charges made in connection with a medically necessary gender reaffirming surgery as long as the covered student or their covered dependent has obtained precertification from Aetna.
For benefit details, please refer to pages 32-33 of the Plan Design and Benefit Summary (PDBS)
2022-23 Plan:
Covered medical expenses include but are not limited to:
- Charges made by a physician for:
- Performing the surgical procedure; and
- Pre-operative and post-operative hospital and office visits.
- Charges made by a hospital for inpatient and outpatient services (including outpatient surgery).
- Charges made by a Skilled Nursing Facility for inpatient services and supplies.
- Charges made for the administration of anesthetics.
- Charges for outpatient diagnostic laboratory and x-rays.
- Charges for blood transfusion and the cost of unreplaced blood and blood products.
- Charges made by a behavioral health provider for gender reassignment counseling.
Additional benefits added to the EUSHIP for 2022-23 include:
- Mammoplasty
- Thyroid Chondroplasty
- Facial Feminization Surgery
- Vocal Folds Shortening
- Retro displacement of Anterior Commissure (VFSRAC)
- Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)
- Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT)
- Speech Therapy
- Tracheal Shave (Adam’s Apple)
- Removal of Hair for Male to Female patients (Electrolysis and Laser)
Added resources include the Aetna Clinical Policy Bulletin (CPB)
How can I determine what my total out-of-pocket cost would be under the Emory University Student Health Insurance Plan (EUSHIP) plan?
To estimate the total out of pocket costs, you should contact Aetna Student Health at 1-877-261-8403. Staying within the Emory Core network is the preferred option for students on the EUSHIP plan. After the Aetna negotiated discount, you will be responsible for the $25 specialist visit copay, annual deductible of $200 and 10% co-insurance. The maximum out of pocket is $7,000.
Where is Hormone Replacement Therapy mentioned in the summary planned description?
The benefit is all inclusive, outlined in the Plan Design and Benefit Summary.
Should I call the pharmacy before pick-up to determine how much insurance covers?
You can call Aetna Pharmacy Management (APM) at 1-888-792-3862.
Do I pay separately for hormones and hypodermic needles?
Yes, this is a separate expense. Both are covered under the medical plan. For additional information, contact Aetna Student Health at 1-877-261-8403.
What does “Payable in accordance with the type of expense incurred and the place where service is provided” mean?
Services will be paid on the same basis as any other service, according to the allowable contracted amount between the insurance company and the facility/provider.
Who will be able to see my insurance bill?
As the policy holder on the EUSHIP, all insurance information (i.e. EOB’s, etc) will be sent to you, the member directly. Depending on where the information is sent and the address on file with Aetna, this does not prevent other persons from potentially having access to this information (if sent home, etc.). Your permanent address on OPUS is typically where insurance information will be sent to.
How long does it typically take before I will know what my insurance will cover?
You can submit a pre-determination with Aetna Student Heath, to determine whether or not a procedure will be covered. To assist with the process, contact Aetna Student Health at 1-877-261-8403. The pre-determination process generally takes up to 30 days.
How long after I graduate will the Emory insurance cover my HRT or other bills?
Coverage typically remains in force until the end of the policy year. If you graduate in December, coverage will terminate on December 31st. If you graduate in May, you will remain covered until the end of the policy year. Claims will continue to be processed and paid as Aetna receives them and will continue to be covered under the plan as long as services were rendered during the time you were insured.
What is a pre-certification form?
Some services must be pre-certified by Aetna beforehand if you want the Plan to cover them. Preferred Providers are responsible for requesting precertification for their services. You are responsible for requesting precertification if you seek care from a Non- Preferred Provider for any of the services listed in the Schedule of Benefits section of the Certificate. If you want the Plan to cover a service from a Non- Preferred Provider that requires precertification, you must call Aetna at the number on your ID card. After Aetna receives a request for precertification, we will review the reasons for your planned treatment and determine if benefits are available.
What does the following statement mean? “If you do not secure pre-certification for the below listed inpatient and outpatient covered medical services and supplies obtained from a non-preferred provider your covered medical expenses will be subject to a $500 per service, treatment, procedure, visit, or supply benefit reduction.”
Pre-certification is typically for inpatient services only, although in some cases, outpatient procedures may require pre-certification. Initiating pre-cert, can be done by the patient, by notifying Aetna at least 3 days prior to the procedure. However, the pre-cert is usually carried out by the hospital or medical facility. If not initiated by either party, a $500 penalty/reduction can be imposed.
The Emory Voice Center provides surgical and non-surgical services to help folks align their voice with their gender.
Learn more information about their transgender voice care!
The Emory Transgender Clinic provides care for transgender people and is an option people can pursue to get hormone therapy.
Learn more about Emory Transgender Clinic on their website.